Per­so­na­li­ty diagnostics

assess­ment cen­ters, poten­ti­al ana­ly­ses, and 360° feedback

Dif­fe­rent ques­ti­ons requi­re dif­fe­rent methods and tools to assess. I offer a range of for­mats, cove­ring the fol­lo­wing for areas:

Per­so­na­li­ty dia­gno­stics enables a more in-depth ana­ly­sis of per­so­na­li­ty. Per­so­na­li­ty dia­gno­stic instru­ments are usual­ly ques­ti­on­n­aires that are pro­ces­sed online.

An assess­ment cen­ter is a method for eva­lua­ting peo­p­le and is made up of various con­cre­te exer­ci­s­es and tasks. In the various obser­va­ti­on situa­tions, defi­ned com­pe­ten­ci­es are obser­ved seve­ral times by seve­ral asses­sors in order to get a broad­ly based assess­ment. Assess­ment cen­ters are used, among other things, in can­di­da­te sel­ec­tion to obtain a dif­fe­rent assess­ment per­spec­ti­ve. Thus, the assess­ment cen­ter can serve as a piece of the puz­zle in the recruit­ment process.

Poten­ti­al means the abili­ty to exploit fur­ther pos­si­bi­li­ties or to deve­lop com­pe­ten­ci­es in order to take on more com­plex and deman­ding tasks and jobs. The poten­ti­al ana­ly­sis is a gene­ral ana­ly­sis of a person’s abili­ty to deve­lop. A poten­ti­al ana­ly­sis focu­ses on the deve­lo­p­ment of the employee and gives indi­ca­ti­ons for the fur­ther care­er path (spe­cia­list or manage­ment career).

In 360° feed­back, com­pe­ten­ci­es and beha­vi­or are asses­sed from dif­fe­rent per­spec­ti­ves (employees, supe­ri­ors, cus­to­mers, peers) and thus pro­vi­de a com­pre­hen­si­ve pic­tu­re of how a per­son is per­cei­ved by dif­fe­rent cont­acts. 360° feed­back helps to compa­re self-per­cep­ti­on and the per­cep­ti­on of others.